Marketing Initiatives
Phone: 706.375.5793 | Email:
The Top of Georgia contracts with the Northwest Georgia Joint Development Authority for marketing efforts for the region. Those efforts include:
Print Materials – The Northwest Georgia Joint Development Authority has professionally printed communications and “leave behind” pieces that are given to business leaders who express interest in bringing/expanding their business in Northwest Georgia. These printed pieces help keep Northwest Georgia at the forefront of the recipient’s attention.
Trade Magazines – The Northwest Georgia Joint Development Authority advertises in certain trade magazines that are read by site selectors, project managers, and target industry executives.
GEDA Sponsorships – The Northwest Georgia Joint Development Authority occasionally sponsors certain events at meetings of the Georgia Economic Developers Association to raise awareness of Northwest Georgia among the site selectors, project managers, and target industry executives who attend the GEDA meetings.
Trade Shows/Site Selectors/Project Managers/Target Industries – The Top of Georgia contracts with the Northwest Georgia Joint Development Authority for travel and attendance at state, regional, national and international trade shows, as well as one-on-one visits with site selectors, project managers, and target industry executives who have expressed interest in bringing/expanding their business in Northwest Georgia.